African Grey Parrots For Sale

Are you looking for a new furry companion? Look no further than our adorable Parrots for sale! We have a selection of AFRICAN GREY PARROTS & EGGS for Sale! Our birds are the perfect addition to any family, providing unconditional love and loyalty for a lifetime. African grey parrots for sale. Our birds are vaccinated for polyomavirus, and come with a health guarantee. Plus, Our birds are Raised With Kids and other pets. Contact us today to find your perfect bird for your family!

african grey for sale

The African Grey

African grey is a mottled grey colored, medium-sized parrot. It has a large black bill and white mask enclosing a yellow eye, and has a striking red vent and tail . Females have a pale gray crown with dark gray edges, a gray body, and scarlet tail feathers. The male looks similar to the female, but becomes darker with age. african grey parrot for sale.

The African grey parrot’s ability to talk and mimic sounds makes this medium-sized parrot a captivating companion. The African grey parrot is not just a top talker — this bird is also known for its extreme intelligence, which gives them the moniker “The Einsteins of the Bird World.” african grey parrot price.

We assure you that there are no symptoms of disease or parasites at the time of sale and that our African Grey Parrots are completely healthy. This means that our Parrots are free of viral infections, pathogenic bacterial infections, fungal infections, and congenital defects.


About Us

We are experienced and expert breeders of African Grey Parrots with over 5+ years of expeirence. We offer parrots to many families like yours and will continue providing wonderful additions of locable, healthy birds for many years to come. African Grey Breeders

We are passionate about providing the best possible care for our birds, and our experienced and dedicated staff are here to help you find the perfect puppy for your family. African grey for sale by owner.

african grey parrots for sale
buy African Grey parrots online


African Grey Parrots are the world’s formost family pet and companion. They are sturder, well known as highly intelligent pets. They are a sweet, eager to please and devoted. They are gentle, patient and friendly with kids and other pets. However, as a result of highly social temperament, they should not be left alone for extended periods of time or they will become mischievous and destructive. African grey parrot Pet.

The African Grey is one of the most talented talking/mimicking birds on the planet, giving it quite a reputation among bird enthusiasts. african grey for sale.

African grey parrot for sale. There are two known sub-species of the African Grey Parrot, the CONGO AFRICAN GREY and TEMNEH AFRICAN GREY. They may live for 40 – 60 years in captivity, although their mean lifespan in the wild appears to be somewhat shorter at about 23 years. African grey parrots for sale.

African grey for sale.This parrot is one of the oldest psitticine species keps by humans, with records of the bird dating back tobiblical times. Understated beauty and a brainy no-nonsense attitude are what keeps this parrot at the peak of popularity. African grey parrot price.

African grey parrot Pet

Be confident that you are getting the best African Grey Parrots and start the journey of a lifetime!

get in touch with us today